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Book Publishing
Make Your Manuscript Flawless

Work with Industry Leading Personnel to Curate and Publish the Next Big Title

Looking to publish your book on Amazon? Our company offers top-notch ghostwriting and Amazon publisher services to help you get your book in front of a wide audience. Our team of experienced writers and publishing professionals will work with you every step of the way, from brainstorming and outlining to editing and distribution. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you succeed on Amazon!


Years of Experience


Books Written


Audiobook Titles

Partnering with Authors to Publish Outstanding Works

Streamlined Publishing Process:
Simplifying Your Path to Publication

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Analyzing Manuscripts

We evaluate your manuscript and offer constructive criticism and suggestions for improving its quality and marketability.

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Expert Proofreading and Layout

Professional editors and designers will work on your manuscript until it is free of errors, flows smoothly, and looks great.

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Distribution and Printing

We handle the entire publishing process for you, from design and printing to worldwide distribution, so that your book may be read on any device and in any market.

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Commercial Activities

To ensure that your book receives the most exposure possible, our devoted marketing team formulates strategic plans to promote it via digital campaigns, book events, and media outreach.

The books we've designed, written and published independently.

With comprehensive services and expert guidance, we tailor our support to meet each author's unique needs.

Write Your Book in Your Terms

Our All-Inclusive Book Writing Services

Book Planning Manuscript Evaluation
Book Planning Developmental Editing
Book Planning Copyediting
Book Planning Proofreading
Book Planning Cover Design
Book Planning Interior Formatting/Layout
Your Path to Publishing Success

Customized Outlining and Brainstorming Assistance

Not sure where to start with your book? Our team can help you map out your ideas and create a solid outline to guide your writing process. To help you get started and make sure your book is well organized, we provide one-on-one brainstorming sessions.

First Cta
Why Choose

How Does Universal Book Shelf Ensure An Elevating Publishing Experience?

A complete and thorough investigation of your manuscript subject matter using interviews and other means of primary source collection.

  • Planning and outlining your manuscript, producing original content by conducting interviews or conducting research
  • Modifications in content based on your feedback and recommendations, editing your work meticulously to polish the final version.
  • Typesetting and layout to market-ready your book for publication, consultants in the publishing industry for both mainstream and independent presses
  • Continual accessibility for project-related conversations and consultations

We'll shape and publish your thoughts. Our excellent book-writing services will help you fulfill your ambition of being published.


Our Testimonials


Our Testimonials

Universal Book Shelf gave life to my story! From writing to printing to marketing, they were more professional and creative than I had hoped. "It's a great idea!

A.M. Morrell

It was a dream come true to work with Universal Book Shelf! Their expert team helped me through every step, making sure that more people read my book and that it got great reviews.

Peter Shokeir

Universal Book Shelf made my work into a masterpiece! Their commitment to quality, personalised service, and effective marketing helped my book reach new heights.

Rachel Cullen

Universal Book Shelf is the reason why my book did well. Their excellent writing, publishing, and marketing services got my work the attention it earned and won me loyal readers.

Brendan O'Meara

The best thing I did was choose Universal Book Shelf. Their dedication to quality, quick printing process, and effective marketing helped my book become a best-seller!

Brenda Poppy

Integrated Marketing Expertise

Once your book is published, it’s important to get the word out to as many potential readers as possible. Our marketing experts use plethora of industry-leading integrated marketing strategies that helps you promote your book to wider audience.

Frequently Asked Questions


In order to better respond to your questions, we have compiled a collection of frequently asked questions (FAQs).

When someone other than the actual author commissions a written work, that person is said to have used the services of a ghostwriter. Ghostwriters are often used when the credited author does not have the time or expertise to write the work themselves or when the credited author would like to remain anonymous.
Self-publishing refers to the process of publishing a book without the involvement of a traditional publishing house. The editorial, peer-literary, design, publishing, and dissemination processes are all the author's responsibility. Traditional publishing, on the other hand, involves working with a publisher who handles these tasks and pays the author an advance and royalties.
Amazon Kindle is a platform that allows authors to publish and sell their books as e-books on the Amazon website. It is a popular option for self-publishing authors as it allows for global distribution and reach. The process of publishing a book on Amazon through Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) is relatively straightforward. First, you will need to create an account with KDP and upload your book as a digital file. From there, you can set your pricing and distribution options and create a product listing. Once your book is live on the Amazon website, it will be available for purchase by readers. Whether you live in the USA or in Uk, we have the expertise. You get your book in front of a global audience.
The steps can vary depending on the route you choose (traditional publishing or self-publishing). In general, the process includes: developing your idea, writing and revising your book, editing, and proofreading, designing a cover, formatting your book, and distributing and promoting your book. If you choose to self-publish or a cheap services, you will be responsible for handling all of these tasks yourself or hiring professionals to assist you. If you choose traditional publishing, you will work with a publishing house that will handle many of these tasks and provide support at every step.
Yes, our company is a book publishing company. We offer a range of services to assist authors with publishing their books on Amazon, including ghostwriting, editing, cover design, and distribution. We can help you navigate the process of publishing on Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing platform and ensure that your book is polished and ready for readers.
Amazon book publisher services refer to the various services and tools that Amazon offers to help authors publish and sell their books on the Amazon website. These services include Kindle Direct Publishing, Kindle Create, Kindle for PC, and Kindle for Mac. Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) is a self-publishing platform that allows authors to publish and sell their books as e-books on Amazon. Kindle Create is a tool that helps authors format their books for publication on Kindle. Kindle for PC and Kindle for Mac are apps that allow users to read Kindle books on their computers.
You need a Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) account if you want to publish a book on Amazon. From there, you can upload your book as a digital file, set your pricing and distribution options, and create a product listing. Once your book is live on the Amazon website, it will be available for purchase by readers. It is important to ensure that your book is well-written and professionally edited before publishing, as this will increase its chances of success on the platform.
Yes, it is free to publish a book on Amazon through Kindle Direct Publishing. There is no fee to publish your book, but Amazon will receive a cut of the proceeds. This makes it an appealing option for self-publishing authors who may not have the budget for a traditional publishing route.
There are many benefits to publishing your work on Amazon. Some of the main advantages include global distribution, reach to a wide audience, the ability to self-publish and retain control over the publishing process, and access to Amazon’s marketing and promotional tools. Amazon is a well-known and trusted platform, so publishing your book on the site can give it credibility and help it reach a wider audience. Additionally, Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) platform makes it easy for authors to self-publish and retain control over the publishing process. This includes setting your own pricing and distribution options, as well as having access to promotional tools and resources.
We can assist with post-publication revisions, although additional charges may apply. It’s important to finalize all changes before the book goes into production.

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